Thursday, January 24, 2008

Norway Bans Dental Amalgam

Norway has acted in 2008 to discontinue the use of dental amalgam. The action was part of a sweeping effort to restrict the use of mercury and was done so largely for environmental reasons. ( American Dental Association advisory).
The BC Dental Association supports the use of amalgam separators as part of best management practices for dental offices. More information is available on CDA website at:

Proactive Dental Studio complies with the BC Dental Association advisory and uses an amalgam separator to help saving the environment.

1 comment:

Shayna Baker said...

You should replace amalgam fillings only when they are worn or broken. There's no evidence that they can cause a problem. Removing them can release more mercury. If you are concerned about amalgam, choose a different material for new fillings.

- Dentiste Grandby